Technology Review: MetEd

Throughout my education, I was dismayed that the atmospheric science I knew and loved was not really taught in most school curriculum. I considered those who had more than a chapter dedicated to atmospheric science and meteorology lucky, and begged to assist them in their studies. I even asked my mother to buy me a text book specific to atmospheric science and meteorology for extra-curricular learning after I finished my general studies. Long story short, I craved knowledge regarding the weather and eagerly burned through anything I could get my hands on. This craving was finally satisfied during the latter half of my senior year in high school when I came across MetEd.

MetEd is a free-to-use website sponsored by the National Weather Service, among other organizations, that provides educational and training resources for anyone who is interested in meteorology, weather forecasting, and other geosciences. MetEd not only caters to the professionals, but also to students and anyone else who is interested in learning more about certain geoscience topics. MetEd, maintained by the COMET program, provides hundreds of training modules that offer printable certificates following the completion of the module and the accompanying quiz. Your grade and documentation of completion then can be sent via. Email to a professor, supervisor, or anyone you set as a contact so they can track your progress.

MetEd does require an account to use the site, but this is mainly to keep track of the modules you’ve completed. Each module has a time estimate, along with difficulty level, posted on its front page. These online modules contain audio, animation, images, and text that teach the concept contained in the module. The approximate time it takes to complete a module varies from about thirty minutes to two hours in some of the harder modules. However, MetEd is very user friendly and a wonderful educational tool for just about anyone. Since the time I began my own MetEd account about 18 months ago, I’ve completed eleven modules and two courses. I highly recommend MetEd to anyone who wishes to learn more about specific topics within the global geoscience fields of study. If you’re a science or weather geek like me, or if you just enjoy learning new things, you’ll love MetEd!



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